Parking Rules/Enforcement
Parking Rules
No parking on roadway. All 4 tires must be off the road. If white lines are painted, tires must be outside the white line
No parking against traffic. All vehicles must park with the flow of traffic
No parking in a crosswalk
No parking within 20 feet of an intersection
No parking within 30 feet of a stop sign
No parking on sidewalks.
No blocking public or private driveways
No parking in the alley ways in the first blocks behind Center Street
No parking within 15 feet of a fire hydrant
No diagonal parking unless posted. All parking must be parallel to the roadway
No parking on dunes or revetments
No parking in ADA accessible parking spaces unless visible ADA license tag or visible permit on vehicle
No parking on yellow curbs or within areas marked by yellow or red street lines
No parking behind yellow lines
Paid parking everyday from 8am-10pm, and side street parking enforced 24 hours a day, year round.
Parking Enforcement Ambassadors
The duties, responsibilities, and functions of our Parking Enforcement Ambassadors are:
To provide quality, courteous customer service and promote the safety and the proper flow of traffic and turnover throughout the streets of Folly Beach.
To protect the rights of the pedestrians and parking public who abide by local and state parking ordinances and laws.
To assist in providing available parking to residents, visitors and businesses.
To enforce the city and state parking ordinances and laws.
As a representative of Folly Beach, ambassadors will perform their duties in a professional manner at all times and to the highest standards.